Grabner Instruments Vapor Pressure Testers allow versatile ramp measurements for Gasoline-Ethanol blends.
October 2009Imagine you are driving your car and the motor suddenly stops. You are lucky if this doesn´t happen on a crossing. When you try to restart the car, the hot motor stalls again. You call the breakdown service, but they cannot detect any problem with the engine, after they connected your car to their computer. You get your car towed away and contact the manufacturer, who gives a lot of advises and sends you spare parts. Possibly he sends them free of charge, as he is anxious to solve the problem with their car. But they, too, cannot find the problem. You might end up with a completely new motor, but the problem still might not be solved. The only solution seems to buy a new car.
Every year several thousand cars experience similar problems worldwide. The reason is that gasoline vapor lock causes engines to stall, mostly when the car is in traffic and temperature is rising high. Similarly when a car is parked for a short period of time the heated motor won´t start. The higher the temperature, the higher the altitude, the more likely it is that gasoline vapors build a vapor lock, preventing the fuel in the line from moving to the engine.
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